Session 3: Next Gen Cinematography
1:55 PM - 2:45 PM

In this segment we discuss Virtual Production, a studio based technique that combines real-time technologies with digital filmmaking. This involves several cinematic methods and technical applications, but we will be specifically focusing on LED stages and In-Camera VFX.

The panel will share insights on the benefits of utilising this emerging approach to filmmaking for Film & TV, as well as the vast landscape and notable considerations that surround this new production process.

During this event, our guest speakers delve into the intricacies of the virtual production workflow, emphasising on real case projects, where combined holistic thinking evolved typical technical applications to experimentally achieve the final shot and set the current and future standards of production. The discussion will also explore product innovations in the pipeline designed to enhance the capability of camera to cloud, how it's currently utilised for Broadcast whilst touching on the emergence of 5G, before highlighting upon how this faster more efficient process will magnify usage globally and become an operational staple within film/tv studios.

Attendees come away with demonstrable knowledge of virtual production workflows associated with LED stages and upcoming advancements, as well as being able to participate in a Q&A with our guest speakers, where you can ask anything you want to know.

Session 3: Next Gen Cinematography
Location Name
NFT3: Creative Technology